
Brief History.  As a Calvin College student, we were required to volunteer.  I can’t quite remember if it was a requirement for graduation, for my psychology program, or for a course.  But, for a few years, I donated time and energy in places like homes for abused children.  It changed my life.  Volunteering does that.  Fast forward many years and volunteering has admittedly all but disappeared from my life.  And, from the lives of many people I know.  Maybe it’s our legalistic society, which is too quick to sue the Good Samaritan.  Or, maybe it’s easier to just give money and let someone else do the work.

Or, maybe it’s the opportunities.  For the past three Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, I have tried to find opportunities for my family to donate time (in addition to gifts, monies, and food that are normally requested at this time of year).  I spent three years searching and never found a place to donate our time. I am sure I did not look under every rock, but  it should not be that hard to find ways to volunteer.

Mission.  The purpose and mission of Holiday Helping is to match volunteer opportunities with those in need.  It has been set-up to encourage those who want to volunteer but do not know how or where to begin.  It was not created to replace any of the organizations, churches, and groups that already lead volunteer efforts; rather, it was set-up to support their efforts, to match volunteers with opportunities, to collect volunteer opportunities/volunteer ideas, and to encourage families to spend time learning the value of helping others.

Only Holidays???

  1. Not just Thanksgiving and Christmas! There are major national holidays like Memorial Day and the Independence Day (have you spent time with a veteran lately?).  There are other religious holidays like Easter (have you brought someone to Church lately?).  And, there are many ‘other’ holidays like Valentine’s Day, Mother & Father’s Day, and New Year’s Eve/Day (have you cooked a meal for someone who is alone on an important day?).
  2. People need love and support all year long! Have you offered to babysit for the new parents that need a break?  Have you spent time visiting people in the hospital?  People need love and support throughout the year.  It is not the intention of Holiday Helping to suggest that people only volunteer on holidays.  But, holidays are a time of year when: a) people are most likely to give their time and energy; and b) a time when people are in tremendous need.  Holiday Helping starts at holidays and then finds ways to get people engaged throughout the year.

To volunteer, click on Volunteer Opportunities.  To donate your time or to suggest an idea for volunteering, click on U-Volunteer.

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